Why I opened this blog.

Hello, everyone, I am Charis, a woman from Taiwan. It's a little bit weird to call myself a woman since I turned twenty one in March. That might puzzle some women in the Western culture. I know how grown they must be in twenty one, but in my culture and my family's eyes, I am just a little girl struggling to find a job, newly graduating from college.

A month ago, I joined a great GoodRead group called Our Shared Shelf, founded by our beloved and beautiful Emma Watson. When I read the books she recommends, I am often astonished by the books and people's comment. It's obvious that whether it's in Western countries or Eastern countries, Feminism is ignored by the majority, including women. 

How could it be? We occupy half of the people, but some of us are isolated because of what we believe. If women don't cooperate with one another, men wouldn't care at all. They have already had their power over us. If we don't work together, would it be changed when it's time for our daughters to shine?

I don't know those answers because I am also under much discrimination which I had never experienced, especially after I start to find a job to support myself.

There are so many things we can do. Maybe it's little, but big things don't come without a little change. A little trembling of feathers can change the whole society. However, we often underestimate ourselves.

Take one person for example. If my mother had still believed that women needed to marry well for a better future, I wouldn't be here to write about Feminism. Maybe people wouldn't notice my existence, but I believe, with a good cause, my stuff would be noticed one day.

The main reason I want to open this blog is that I want to record other women's life, like my mother's, my grandmothers' or even my friends. They are women who have undergone several predicaments. Those predicaments come from their husbands, their friends and, sadly, their families. It's sad that only a few try to write about Eastern women who are down to earth people. Those ones never leave their motherland, never leave their county and worse of all, never see the world with their eyes. 

I want to write about them. I want more people to know that Eastern women aren't weak, relying on their husbands. No, I have seen so many examples that they are tough and strong. What trap them in a marriage is called patriarchy, and it still exists in Eastern culture. I am also under those pressure so I know them. It's hurtful to hear those women losing their chances to become something big, but through this blog, I hope that there would be more people noticing our dilemmas.

Those dilemmas are still strong and never changed. We now live a world that requires more rights but less are provided.
